“Post-Photography Glimpses,” Curated by Ivona Tau

I am thrilled to be included in the “Post-Photography Glimpses” exhibition curated by Ivona Tau on Nifty Gateway, featuring work by leading artists working with AI technology.

From Ivona’s curatorial statement for the show:

“As Artificial Intelligence has succeeded at perfectly imitating reality it is time to reflect on what direction should the medium go forward, in the era of post-photography.

This show focuses on artists engaging with themes that go beyond traditional representation. Using advanced tools such as AI means that the photographer is no longer bounded by what they experience and observe in their closest environment. Artists capture subjects with their language, in ways not dissimilar from traditional photography - either by discovering a scene or by setting it up to correspond with the vision. AI in this context allows for greater flexibility and experimentation in the photographic process, allowing the photographers to push the boundaries of what can be achieved with the medium.”



VCA Residency Auction & Exhibition


“The Muses,” a generative AI project on Emprops.ai